Sunday, September 7, 2008

Storm Chasing - Literally and Figuratively, a Panel Discussion 9/9/08

Gia Scott will be hosting a panel discussion on The Dawn of Shades on 9/09/08 from 7-9 pm Central. The other panelists will be November Hanson (host of Voice of the People Angela Thomas (P.O.R.T.A.L. talk radio host & psychic or and Audrey (New Orleans' French Market tarot reader--no website, see Exogeny Network for contact information). Our topic~~disasters & storms, dreams, psychic events, & prophecies. Who has precognitive dreams and how do you recognize them? When should we pay attention? Are some dreams precognitive or are they merely fear-driven expressions of our subconscious? How do we recognize the difference between precognition and merely being fearful? How do we ascertain the reliability of someone else's precognition? Is it all real or is none of it real? We all have questions like that, and maybe we'll have a few answers for our listeners as well! Join our discussion, ask questions either through the virtual auditorium in PalTalk or by calling in on the toll free number.