Monday, July 14, 2008

Billie Jean King Changed the World

Billie Jean King Changed the World

I read an article about Billie Jean King the other day, and it talked about how she had changed tennis and women's sports. That was such a limited and narrow view. In reality, Billie Jean King changed the world.

Think that's a radical claim? Not at all. I'll tell you a personal story now.

Remember that match with Bobby Riggs? The Battle of the Sexes? How Billie Jean King beat him, despite predictions. It was fantastic. In that brief match, she managed to change the world in a very profound way.

I was 12 or so then, and it changed how I looked at the world. I was growing up in small town America, and in junior high. I had complained to my mother about how the boys had sports in junior high, but the girls didn't...despite state laws requiring equality in the schools. My mother's reaction was that if I didn't think it was fair, I needed to work to change it. Her suggestion for changing it was a letter to the editor for a first step.

I thought it was a good idea, and recruited my younger sister to the project too. We wrote our letters, sent them off...and a few days later, there they black and white, for the entire town to read.

Oh boy, did we start the ball of change rolling in our small town. At twelve, I had no idea what I was about to endure, or the changes that it would cause in me. It meant I spent my years in junior high school labeled a "women's libber" and assorted other sins, being publicly humiliated by most of my teachers as I was targeted as a revolutionary on a daily basis.

I developed a thick skin fast. I couldn't burst into tears as I was brought to the front of the class as an example of a "women's libber" and an "unfeminine girl." I couldn't let on that I was awkward with my own body, with its rapid changes, and that I WAS different from the boys all of a sudden. Cast by a desire to play basketball into a role as the junior high rebel, I learned fast to stand up for what I wanted and believed in, and to choose my battles carefully.

After that first year of the painful humiliation, we had girl's basketball in both seventh and eighth grade. I think we had a whole four or five games against other schools. Did I like basketball? Not as much as I thought I would, but after all of that, I HAD to play. Was I good at it? Not really. But that didn't matter; I had fought long and hard to get here. I was GOING to play.

I learned a lot as a result of Billie Jean King. Billie Jean made me learn that I didn't have to grow up expecting to be a secretary or school teacher, earning half the pay of my male counterparts. She made me learn that some things are worth standing up for, and that following the herd was not required.

I learned to have Expectations. I learned that I could make choices. I learned to have opinions and to voice them. I learned that being female did not take away the validity of my knowledge, ability, and opinions. I learned that gender didn't have to define us professionally in a limiting manner.

Okay, so how do these changes in me pertain to Billie Jean King changing the world? I was a small ripple in a small pond. I was not important, I didn't make headlines anywhere, and I didn't find a cure for anything.

But Billie Jean King caused those ripples to occur in thousands of small towns across America. Each of these people who were touched by these small ripples felt the changes those ripples left on their own perception of the world.

Billie Jean King changed the world by changing the expectations of thousands upon thousands of young girls with that tennis match. We all grew up, we all had jobs or raised families or otherwise touched other people's lives, perpetuating that ripple effect until guess what?

Equality was starting to happen, all because of a tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs that was played way back in the early 70s, long before most of the beneficiaries of her efforts towards equality were even born. Did Ms. King intend to cause all of this change?

It doesn't matter...she did.

Gia Scott


Gia Scott
(504) 621 2851

The Dawn of Shades, Tuesdays, 7-9 pm Central

The Exogeny Center

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vital Health and Well-Being During Changing Times with Amanda McQuade Crawford

Vital Health and Well-Being During Changing Times with Amanda McQuade Crawford
10:00am Thursday to 3:00pm Sunday August 28-31

We are in the midst of great changes on our planet from climate to consciousness. As the health of the planet is challenged we strive to balance our own well-being. How do we move through the changes gracefully not only maintaining health but recognizing the Vital Life Force as an integral part of living vibrantly and evolving our consciousness? This comprehensive intensive will give you a depth and breadth of understanding bridging physical science and the invisible thread of spirit inherent in all life to bring whole person well being. Whether a beginning herbalist or an experienced practitioner your scope will widen as you find new solutions in green medicine. Not only will you learn of the latest new research, gain deeper understanding of favorite herbs but also receive greater skills to help face the emerging challenges of maintaining health in a changing environment.
Your intensive will include:
• herbal pharmacology and its relationship to transcendent spirit
• hormones and their emotional and spiritual qualities
• the kundalini of the endocrine system
• understanding stress in ourselves and the environment
• hands-on women’s health covering HPV & cervical dysplasia, PMS, ovarian cysts, common problems of pregnancy, depression, menopause and reducing risk of breast cancer, preventing osteoporosis and heart disease and nourishing longevity
• confidence in selecting the right herb for oneself or another
• creating holistic treatment plans
• case studies
• and much more Partner
Don’t miss this opportunity to study with one of the leading medical herbalists of our time who is steeped in heart and soul.
Amanda McQuade Crawford is an herbalist encouraged by recent success foraging for signs of life in Los Angeles, California. After many years of gardening and private practice in Beverly Hills and Ojai, California, Amanda traveled to New Zealand on sabbatical before returning to her native southern California. She earned her degree in Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine) from Britain’s College of Phytotherapy, and a BA in Medieval History from Vassar College. Amanda has studied healing with nature around the world, learning from plants, ayahuasqueros, and curanderas, as well as physicians at home and abroad. She teaches in hospitals, medical schools, and in open meadows. The author of two popular books on women’s health, The Herbal Menopause Book and Herbal Remedies for Women, she contributed to two recent books on natural medicine, The New Menopause Book, edited by Taliaferri et al, and Traditional Medicines for Modern Times: Antidiabetic Plants, edited by Amala Soumyanath, CRC Press. Her most recent adventure has been as the host of "What A Relief," a TV series dedicated to holistic health.

$450 includes all instruction, meals and indoor lodging or camping. You can register with a $100 deposit or pay with a credit card at

Partner Earth Education Center, 1525 Danby Mtn. Rd., Danby, Vermont 05739 * 802-293-5996

About Partner Earth Education Center at Sweetwater Sanctuary:

Partner Earth Education Center at Sweetwater Sanctuary sits at the base of Marble Mountain and the Dorset Peaks, some of the highest peaks in southern Vermont. This is home to black bear, moose, coyote, bobcat, raven, wild turkey, porcupine, ermine, beaver and red-tail hawk. We are surrounded by thousands of acres of protected woodlands and meadows with a rushing brook that cascades down the mountain and flows centrally through the property. There are many natural springs on the mountain but right at our doorstep is Heart Spring producing several gallons of water per minute. It is this pure, sweet water that is the constantly flowing life force of Sweetwater Sanctuary that nourishes not only our bodies and soil but our spirits as well. Visit our website for more info and photos.

The Exogeny Center